
Cluster Analysis of AI Incident Journalism
By Sherry Chen, Steven Shen, and Shyam Sivasubramanian
This blog post is a contributed by Sherry, Steven, an Shyam, students at The George Washington University School of Business who analyzed th...

Researching AI Incidents to Build a Safer Future: The Digital Safety Research Institute partners with the Responsible AI Collaborative
By TheCollab Board of Directors
The Digital Safety Research Institute (DSRI) of UL Research Institutes is partnering with the Responsible AI Collaborative (TheCollab) to ad...

AI Incident Roundup – January ‘24
By Janet Schwartz
Read our month-in-review newsletter recapping new incidents in the AI Incident Database and looking at the trends. 🗄 Trending in the AIID Th...

Deepfakes and Child Safety: A Survey and Analysis of 2023 Incidents and Responses
By Daniel Atherton
DISCLAIMER: This post is not legal advice or commentary and should not be construed as such. 2023 saw an increase in AI-generated child…...
Submit Your AI Incident Research to IAAI!
By Scott Cambo
Answer the Questions: What happened and why? Who: AI, human factors, safety, and ethics researchers Where: Innovative Applications of Artifi...
AI Incident Roundup – May & June ‘23
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Read our month-in-review newsletter recapping new incidents in the AI Incident Database and looking at the trends. 🗄 Trending in the AIID ...

AI Incident Roundup – April ‘23
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Read our month-in-review newsletter recapping new incidents in the AI Incident Database and looking at the trends. 🗄 Trending in the AIID I…...

Editor’s Story - Keeping the AI Incidents Fresh
By Daniel Atherton, Khoa Lam, Kate Perkins, & Janet Schwartz
Want to make AI safer? Submit an incident report. Want to become an Editor? Learn more in the Editor’s Guide Want to follow incident…...

AI Incident Roundup – March ‘23
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Read our month-in-review newsletter recapping new incidents in the AI Incident Database and looking at the trends. 🗄 Trending in the AIID I…...

How to Understand Large Language Models through Improv
By Sean McGregor
On February 16th, the New York Times published Kevin Roose's conversation with Microsoft's chatbot wherein the chatbot attempted to end Mr…...

AI Incident Roundup – February ‘23
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Welcome to this month’s edition of The Monthly Roundup, a newsletter designed to give you a digestible recap on the latest incidents and…...

ChatGPT Incidents and Issues
By Khoa Lam
“ChatGPT, which has taken the internet by the storm recently, seems to be making it a lot easier for people to add to the chaos.” – Why is…...

AI Incident Roundup – January ‘23
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Welcome to this month’s edition of The Monthly Roundup, a newsletter designed to give you a digestible recap on the latest incidents and…...

AI Incident Roundup – December ‘22
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Welcome to this month’s edition of The Monthly Roundup, a newsletter designed to give you a digestible recap on the latest incidents and…...

User Story Spotlight: Subscriptions and eNewsletter
By Janet Schwartz
Each major feature of the AI Incident Database (AIID) is built as a series of incremental developments within the ‘Agile’ framework…...

AI Incident Roundup – November ‘22
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Welcome to this month’s edition of The Monthly Roundup, a newsletter designed to give you a digestible recap on the latest incidents and…...

Introducing AI Incident Responses
By Janet Schwartz
Well known in the security industry, an Incident Response is a structured way for involved parties to learn from attacks and help the…...

Indexing AI Risks with Incidents, Issues, and Variants
By Sean McGregor, Kevin Paeth, Khoa Lam
Two years after publicly launching the AI Incident Database (AIID) as a collection of harms or near harms produced by AI in the world, a…...

AI Incident Roundup – October ‘22
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Welcome to this month’s edition of The Monthly Roundup, a newsletter designed to give you a digestible recap on the latest incidents and…...

AI Incident Roundup for September 2022
By Janet Schwartz & Khoa Lam
Welcome to this month’s edition of The Monthly Roundup, a newsletter designed to give you a digestible recap on the latest incidents and…...

User Story Spotlights: Behind the Scenes of Database Developments
By Janet Schwartz
Each major feature of the AI Incident Database (AIID) is built as a series of incremental developments within the "Agile" framework…...

AI Incident Report for July and August 2022
By Janet Schwartz
The Artificial Intelligence Incident Database (AIID) contains a wealth of historical instances of AI harms providing insights for the future…...

Multilingual Incident Reporting
By Sean McGregor and Cesar Varela
Research and development has a major unsolved problem throughout state of the art AI systems: making systems perform well beyond the…...

Using AI to Connect AI Incidents
By Nicholas Broce, Nicholas Olson, and Jason Scott-Hakanson
The AI Incident Database (AIID) launched publicly in November 2020 as a dashboard of AI harms realized in the real world. Inspired by…...

RAIC Holds First All-Hands Meeting
By Janet Schwartz
We are excited to share with our community of AI safety-minded collaborators that the Responsible AI Collaborative (RAIC) reached full…...

Join the Responsible AI Collaborative Founding Staff
By Responsible AI Collaborative
The AI Incident Database launched publicly in November 2020 as a dashboard of AI harms realized in the real world. Inspired by similar…...

Representation and Imagination for Preventing AI Harms
By Sean McGregor
This blog post originally appeared as a guest post written for the Montreal AI Ethics Institute. Updated classifications are now available…...

The First Taxonomy of AI Incidents
By Sean McGregor
In November the Partnership on AI AI Incident Database (AIID) publicly invited users to instantly search through thousands of pages of text…...